Saturday, October 8, 2011

Forced to be green?

Today we needed to go buy some clothes for the kids, so a trip to the local shopping center was planned. Trouble is, the local mall has undergone a renovation. They added a bunch of new shops, but reduced the size of the parking lots. On a Saturday there is literally no where to park.

So, we decided to walk, 2 kilometers each direction (a little over mile each way). You should have heard the whinging (complaining). "Walking? It's going to be so hot! We're going to smell when we get back."

You'd think it was a forced march across the Gobi desert. So, yes, kids are exactly the same the world over. It was fun though, although us oldies are a little footsore. I guess we're out of practice of hoofing it, or riding shanks mare.

When these guys say "No Parking" they really mean it.

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