Sunday, November 4, 2012

Are you done yet?

Having a family of 6 people all living in a house with only one shower means you are sometimes told to rush.

Dave, Chloe and I tend to take ours in the morning with the boys taking theirs at night (Brynley under great protest).

This morning I got up to take my shower, took my glasses off and hopped in. As I did I noticed a blurry leaf shape stuck to the side of the tub (remember the glasses?)

I figured it was something left over from Bryn's bath the night before and went about my shower. As I turned my back to the shower head I noticed that the "leaf" had moved!

Giving a closer look at the "leaf" I realized I was sharing my shower with a young gecko who was not very pleased about the whole thing. He was finding the wet tub too slippery to climb up and was not happy about having Niagara-force water pelted on top of his head.

I hurried up with my shower, and told Mr. Gecko to get out at his leisure. :)

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