Friday, April 29, 2011

How men shop

Dave has taken over the grocery shopping, even though he loathes the experience, in order to give me more time for writing up my thesis. Lately he's come up with a killer, although very male way of writing up the grocery list.

During the week we write on a white board in the kitchen whenever we start to run out of anything. Then, on the day that he does the grocery shopping, he takes a photo of the list with his digital camera, downloads it to his computer, and prints it.

I guess it beats getting a pencil and paper out.

A few of the items of the list might need a little explanation. Vegemite is of course the iconic, yeast spread that makes Aussies grow big and tall. It must work because the two oldest kids are near 6 feet tall, and one is a girl.

No, I don't eat it. Eww. And apparently President Obama wasn't too impressed when the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard brought him some.

Plain flour is regular flour with nothing added to it. You need to say "plain" because it commonly packaged as self-rising flour, which has baking powder and salt added to it. I guess you need that when you don't have Bisquick.

With 4 kids and everyone drinking coffee and tea with milk, we use a lot of it, so powdered milk is a good thing to keep on hand. Long-life milk is another thing all-together. It is milk that has been  treated so that it can keep unrefrigerated for 6 months. Once its opened I think it has to be used a quickly as regular milk. You can get this sort of milk in Europe as well, but I don't remember seeing it in America.

I had to google to find out what they actually do to it, because I had some suspicion that they radiated it. But, no it's just heated to 285 degrees for two seconds, which kills more of the bacteria than normal pasteurization. Who knew!

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