Tuesday, March 20, 2012

So what is a mini tornado?

No, it's not my fault I tell you. Just because I complained about the rain a few days ago, it suddenly got much, much worse. And I lived up to my reputation as the clueless one, because I slept through the whole thing.

Early this morning, around 4 or 5 am, Dave got up to do whatever it is that men do at that time of the morning. He heard the rain pouring, and the wind started bashing against the window. It seemed more severe than normal (it's been raining on and off for the last three weeks), so he turned on the news.

It seems that we've had a "mini tornado". In the middle of a severe thunderstorm apparently a small tornado formed, and it hit at least two of the suburbs near us. Houses had their roofs ripped off, and outbuildings or anything not tied down such as wheelie bins were sent flying.

A friend who replaced his roof and fence only a year ago due to cyclone Yasi now has to do the same thing again. At least the pool wasn't destroyed this time.

We're all fine, although the tornado hit only a kilometer (2 miles) away.

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