Saturday, May 14, 2011

Busy weekend

This weekend is one of those with everyone going opposite directions. Donnelly is gone all weekend on a Cadets "bivouac". The trip is a weekend of camping in the field and learning how to do fieldcraft stuff. They even get to run around wearing camo paint in the middle of the night, searching for each other with torches (flashlights). We sent along enough food for 3 people, and won't be surprised if he eats every bit. I don't know where they put it all.

We just dropped Chloe off for her second time to do the "Relay for Life" which is a night-long walk-athon for cancer. The participants form teams, each with a particular costume. This year Chloe is Alice in Wonderland and has a costume to match. Chloe and her friends will take turns walking with a baton around a track.

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